Breaking News: TransPolar joins FCS

Dear valued customers,
exciting news for the Flight Inspection and Flight Validation community: TransPolar will join forces with FCS Flight Calibration Services GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany!
With effect of February 01, 2019, TransPolar’s founder and Managing Director, Capt Thomas WEDE, will join FCS as Chief Operations Officer COO. Together with the CEO Christian de la ROI, WEDE will form the executive team that leads FCS.
FCS is a well-known center of excellence in the market of Flight Inspection and Flight Validation. With DFS of Germany, skyguide of Switzerland and Austrocontrol of Austria, 3 major European ANSPs are the stakeholders in this company.
Trading under this name since 2001, FCS takes great pride in providing a safe, reliable and the most state-of-the-art service possible to its customers in the field of Flight Inspection and Flight Validation. Please go to to find out what capabilities and services FCS might provide to your individual requirements.
As per February 01,2019, all inquiries towards TransPolar will be re-directed to FCS, with all its activities in the field of Flight Inspection and Flight Validation henceforth be undertaken under the auspices of this entity.
Capt Thomas Wede, as per this date, can be reached under
Office: +49 531 23 777-30
Mobil: +49 172 430 58 03
In closing, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our loyal customers for the opportunity to provide our services to you. At the same time, I am very much looking forward staying in touch with you, being able, in my new capacity, to provide an even wider array of solutions in our field of business!